Advance Polls


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that provision has been made for an advance poll for electors who:
1. Are physically disabled;
2. Have been appointed as election official; or
3. Anticipate being unable to vote on the day of election.

Voting will take place Monday, October 16th, 2023 between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. at the Burstall & District Community Centre, 957 Railway Avenue.

Dated at Burstall, Saskatchewan, this 25th, day of September, 2023.

Lucein Stuebing

Returning Officer

Eligibility to vote
36(1) A person is eligible to vote in a municipality or school division who, on election day:
(a) is a Canadian citizen;
(b) is at least 18 years of age;
(c) in the case of a municipality other than a resort village or rural municipality, has resided in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately preceding the day of the election
( i )has resided in the municipality, or on land now in the municipality, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the day of the election;
(ii )- is the owner of assessable land in the municipality, or land now situated in the
municipality, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the day of
the election;


Public Notice – September 7, 2023

Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Burstall intends to amend Bylaw No. 2022-198, the Official Community Plan and Bylaw No. 2022-197, the Zoning Bylaw, and Bylaw No. 2022, under the provisions of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to provide updated Land Use Map, and  to  amend Zoning Bylaw Map to accommodate rezoning of specific town lots to commercial development and provide proper designation of properties to reflect current and proposed uses land use management. The Ministry of Government Relations Community Planning Branch has requested that these changes to the bylaws are duly given public notice before approving the OCP and Zoning Bylaw.


The proposed bylaw amendment specifically rezones:

  • Lot 21, Blk 03, Plan AU76A from Residential Zoning to Commercial Zoning on the Zoning Districts Map in the “Zoning Bylaw”, which is attached to notice.
  • Lot 28, Blk 2, Plan AU76A from C1 to C2 on the Zoning Districts Map in the “Zoning Bylaw”, which is attached to notice.


In addition, the Official Community Plan, Land Use Map is updated to reflect a wording change to accommodate more specific time frame reference of Future Land Use by:

  • Changing the wording from Potential Commercial/Industrial and Potential Residential to Long-Term Potential Commercial/Industrial and Long-Term Potential Residential on the Future Land Use Map in the “Official Community Plan”, (Maps can be viewed at the town office or you can request a copy via email).



The Bylaws apply to all lands within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Burstall.


The reason for adopting the bylaws is outlined in the intent and Council believes that the adoption of amended land use bylaws will provide better direction to developers and residents and show the long-term commitment to responsible management of infrastructure and community resources.


Any person may inspect the bylaw at the Town of Burstall office between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 on Monday to Thursday excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available to review at the Town Office or copies can be requested via email.  Hard Copies are also available at cost.


Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 7, at 7:00 p.m. at the Burstall And District Community Centre to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal office before the hearing.

Issued at the Town of of Burstall this 16th day of August 2023.


Lucein Stuebing  CAO     Town of Burstall     Box 250     Burstall, Sk.   S0N 0H0

Phone:  306-679-2000   Fax:  306-679-2275   Email:  [email protected]  Website:

Town of Burstall – Municipal By-Election

On October 25, 2023 there will be a Municipal By-Election for the Town of Burstall.  There is call for 1 Councillor.  Nomination packages can be picked up at the Town Office starting August 29th, 2023.

“Notice of Call for Nomination”, which will be advertised in the Maple Creek Newspaper on August 29th, 2023.

Below I have included what is required to be eligible to be nominated as a candidate.


Candidates in municipal election

42(1) A person is eligible to be nominated as a candidate in a municipal election and to hold office as a member of council if the person:

(a) is at least 18 years of age on the day of the election;

(b) is not disqualified pursuant to this or any other Act;

(c) is a Canadian citizen at the time that he or she submits the nomination paper;

(d) has resided in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which he or she submitted the nomination paper   and:

(i) in the case of a municipality other than a rural municipality or a resort village, has resided in that municipality, or on land now in that municipality,                      for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which he or she submitted the nomination paper; or

(ii) in the case of a resort village:

(A) has resided in that resort village, or on land now in that resort village, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the date on                                 which he or she submitted the nomination paper; or

(B) is the assessed person with respect to property in the resort village, or property now situated in the resort village, pursuant to section 207 of The                           Municipalities Act, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which he or she submitted the nomination paper; or

(C) is the spouse of a person mentioned in paragraph (A) or (B); and

(e) in a rural municipality, subject to subsection 72(1):

(i) resides in Saskatchewan; and

(ii) is eligible to vote in the rural municipality.

(2) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting any other matter necessary for determining a person’s eligibility as a candidate.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Lucein Stuebing  (Lou)        CAO          Town of Burstall             Box 250              Burstall, Sk.   S0N 0H0

Phone:  306-679-2000          Fax:  306-679-2275           Email:  [email protected]            Website:




The following is information on the Town of Burstall’s waterworks, as required under The Municipalities Regulations:

2022 Waterworks Financial Overview:
Total waterworks revenues:                                                                      $143,397
Total waterworks expenditures:                                                                $ 92,286
Total debt payments on waterworks infrastructure loans                         $0.00
Comparison of waterworks revenues to expenditures plus
debt payments, expressed as a ratio:
$143,397/ $92,286  = 1.55

The following additional information is available at the Municipal Office on the waterworks:
-The 2022, waterworks rate bylaw and capital investment strategy.
-Capital plans in place and related sources of funding for the projects.
-2022 financial overview of the waterworks.  -Waterworks reserves.
-A copy of the waterworks assessment.  –  2022 Audited Financial Statement

To review the information above, please make an appointment with the Town of Burstall CAO.


Burstall and District Fall Fair will be held on Saturday, September 21st, 2024.

10:00 a.m. – Parade (Contact Owen to enter a float) (contact information below)

10:30 a.m. – Coffee & Pie at the Community Hall

11:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. – Kitchens are OPEN

11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – All other venues are OPEN

Ages 5 & up – $5.00  Preschoolers free

If you would like to rent a table for the Fall Fair please contact one of the  2024 EXECUTIVE MEMBERS

Colleen – 403-928-6103    Sandra – 306-330-9034   Owen – 403-952-7722




Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Burstall intends to adopt Bylaw No. 2022-198, the Official Community Plan and Bylaw No. 2022-19 and the Zoning Bylaw, under the provisions of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to provide land use management and encourage sustainable development of the community. The Ministry of Government Relations Community Planning Branch has requested changes to the bylaws in order that they meet the current provisions and interpretations of the Statements of provincial Interest and the Planning and Development Act, 2007.The repeal off the 2nd and 3rd readings of these bylaws was done to make these changes.


The proposed bylaws are being adopted to provide long term land use and infrastructure management and community development in the Town and to encourage intermunicipal cooperation with neighbouring communities and to ensure the provisions of the Statements of Provincial interest and the intent of the Planning and Development Act, 2007 are applied in a consistent and fair manner within the community.


The Bylaws apply to all lands within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Burstall.


The reason for adopting the bylaws is outlined in the intent and Council believes that the adoption of land use bylaws will provide better direction to developers and residents and show the long-term commitment to responsible management of infrastructure and community resources.



Section 11.2, Page 27 has been amended to reflect correct zoning districts as contained in the Zoning Bylaw. R1, R2, C1, C2, CS and FUD.

Section 11.9 has been amended to reflect the change in Building Bylaw Legislation and now references the “Construction Codes Act” effective January 1, 2022.

Definitions have been amended to reflect Building Bylaw Legislation.


Section 3.21 is amended with the following:

  1. Pursuant to Section 242 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, the
    Development Officer may inspect any development suspected of contravening The Planning and Development Act, 2007, or any regulation or bylaw made pursuant to The Planning and Development Act, 2007. If it is determined that a contravention
    exists, the Development Officer may notify the owner in writing and instruct the owner to correct the contravention within a set time period. If for any reason the contravention has not been corrected within that time, the Development Officer may extend the time period or issue a Zoning Compliance Order pursuant to
    Section 242(4) of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to achieve bylaw conformance.
  2. Any person who contravenes this Bylaw is guilty of an offence and is liable, on summary conviction, to the penalties provided by section 243 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007
  3. The Development Officer may enter a property with consent of the owner or with a warrant and may not enter otherwise.

A new section will be added echoing what is in the OCP

Section 4.35

Consultation with the Railways/Highways shall be required when a potential development is proposed for:

  1. development or redevelopment proposals in proximity to rail facilities/highways or for proposals for rail-serviced industrial parks;
  2. road and utility Infrastructure works which may affect a rail facility and highway system;
  3. c)       transportation plans that incorporate freight transportation issues; and
  4. d)      all new, expanded, or modified rail facilities or commercial/industrial development.
  5. e)      Should further residential development be proposed near existing rail lines development within or adjacent to the Town, the Town will recognize the provisions of the Statements of Provincial Interest, Planning and Development Act, 2007, particularly as referenced by Clause 32(2) (k), and the “FCM” policy document on “Development Adjacent to Railway’s”, and all best management practices will be utilized, to ensure adequate setbacks between land uses are implemented. In addition, “The Land Use Planning, Rail Proximity and Public Safety Report” prepared for The Railway Association of Canada will be utilized in any review of rail line development. The Zoning Bylaw will be amended to be consistent with all current legislation should further development impacting both land uses occur. Currently the rail line is adjacent to light industrial and commercial uses and the Future Land use map does not include residential uses expanding or encroaching on the rail line.
  6. f)        Notwithstanding anything contained in this Bylaw, where any public street crosses a railway at the same grade, no building or structure shall be erected within 46 metres (150.92 feet) of the point of intersection of the centre line of both the railway and the street.
  7. g)       As identified and suggested on the Guidelines for New Development in Proximity to Railway Operations, The Federation of Canadian Municipalities and Railway Association of Canada of May 2013; the standard recommended building setbacks for new residential development in proximity to railway operations are as follows:

(a)    Freight Rail Yard: 300 metres

(b)    Principal Main Line: 30 metres

(c)    Secondary Main Line: 30 metres

(d)    Principal Branch Line: 15 metres

(e)     Secondary Branch Line: 15 metres

(f)     Spur Line: 15 metres



The Zoning Bylaw Map attached to and forming part of the Zoning Bylaw, is amended by indicating Lots 5-6 on Block 7 as zoned R1 – residential for residential development versus CS – Community Service as it no longer is an active church and is being converted to residential zoning.


Any person may inspect the bylaw at the Town of Burstall office between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm on Monday to Thursday excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available to review at the Town Office or copies can be requested via email.  Hard Copies are also available at cost.


Council will hold a public hearing on May 17, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Burstall & District Community Centre to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal office before the hearing.

Issued at the Town of of Burstall this 13th day of April 2023.


Lucein Stuebing (Lou)            CAO

Town of Burstall        Box 250         Burstall, Sk.   S0N 0H0

Phone:  306-679-2000         Fax:  306-679-2275       Email:  [email protected]      Website: