Public Notice – September 7, 2023
Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Burstall intends to amend Bylaw No. 2022-198, the Official Community Plan and Bylaw No. 2022-197, the Zoning Bylaw, and Bylaw No. 2022, under the provisions of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to provide updated Land Use Map, and to amend Zoning Bylaw Map to accommodate rezoning of specific town lots to commercial development and provide proper designation of properties to reflect current and proposed uses land use management. The Ministry of Government Relations Community Planning Branch has requested that these changes to the bylaws are duly given public notice before approving the OCP and Zoning Bylaw.
The proposed bylaw amendment specifically rezones:
- Lot 21, Blk 03, Plan AU76A from Residential Zoning to Commercial Zoning on the Zoning Districts Map in the “Zoning Bylaw”, which is attached to notice.
- Lot 28, Blk 2, Plan AU76A from C1 to C2 on the Zoning Districts Map in the “Zoning Bylaw”, which is attached to notice.
In addition, the Official Community Plan, Land Use Map is updated to reflect a wording change to accommodate more specific time frame reference of Future Land Use by:
- Changing the wording from Potential Commercial/Industrial and Potential Residential to Long-Term Potential Commercial/Industrial and Long-Term Potential Residential on the Future Land Use Map in the “Official Community Plan”, (Maps can be viewed at the town office or you can request a copy via email).
The Bylaws apply to all lands within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Burstall.
The reason for adopting the bylaws is outlined in the intent and Council believes that the adoption of amended land use bylaws will provide better direction to developers and residents and show the long-term commitment to responsible management of infrastructure and community resources.
Any person may inspect the bylaw at the Town of Burstall office between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 on Monday to Thursday excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available to review at the Town Office or copies can be requested via email. Hard Copies are also available at cost.
Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 7, at 7:00 p.m. at the Burstall And District Community Centre to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal office before the hearing.
Issued at the Town of of Burstall this 16th day of August 2023.
Lucein Stuebing CAO Town of Burstall Box 250 Burstall, Sk. S0N 0H0
Phone: 306-679-2000 Fax: 306-679-2275 Email: [email protected] Website: